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When slugs and snails invade your garden, prompt action can limit the slimy trails and tattered plants they leave behind. But insecticides used for common garden pests won’t help. Snails and slugs are mollusks, more closely related to squids and clams than garden insects. Controlling these slippery invaders calls for “molluscicides” — pesticides designed especially for the task.

Choosing the best slug and snail control products for your garden starts with understanding forms of slug and snail controls.

While slug and snail controls come in several different forms, guidelines for application are generally the same. These products should be used at the earliest hint of slug and snail damage or to prevent damage where you’ve had problems before.

Slug and snail products are applied directly to the ground — not on plants themselves. Some are used in vegetable gardens and lawns, but others are limited to bare soil or mulch, so always read and follow product instructions closely. Slug and snail controls come in these common forms:

Physical barriers: Barrier products work by coming between slugs and snails and their target plants. Gardeners use many kinds of barriers, including homemade plastic rings cut from water bottles. Other examples include copper tape or mesh barriers that deliver an unpleasant sensation that may send these pests on their way.

But with all physical barriers, success depends on the pest’s willingness to change course. While barriers may deter some slugs and snails, nothing prevents the pests from coming back for more.

Liquid baits: Liquid bait products are generally applied in dots or thin lines around plants and garden perimeters or between garden rows. Depending on their design, liquid products can provide easy-to-use options, but they can let you down when you need them most. During times of heavy rainfall or frequent watering — the same times that slug and snail activity peaks — liquid baits can require frequent reapplications to make a dent in these moisture-loving pests.

Simple-to-use Carakol Slug & Snail Killer ready-to-use granular powder can be applied to lawns and around flowers, fruits and vegetables. These granular powder remain effective for up to two weeks, withstanding rain and water sprinklers that often wash liquid products away. And unlike physical barriers, these powder stop feeding damage immediately and kill slugs and snails instead of rerouting them.

With Carakol Slug & Snail Killer ready-to-use powder, people and pets can reenter treated areas right away. But always scatter pellet baits well according to the application rates on the back of the product; never leave pellets in piles. They can attract curious children and animals, along with slugs and snails.

Whatever slug and snail product you choose, understanding its active ingredients is important to safe product use and success. Slug and snail products have undergone many changes through the years in terms of safety, effectiveness and ease of use. Most slug and snail products on the market contain one of the following active ingredients:

Metaldehyde: Metaldehyde-based products have been used to kill slugs and snails for more than 40 years. Fast-acting and highly effective, these products cause slugs and snails to lose moisture rapidly and die. Empty shells and foamy-looking dead and dying slugs and snails offer proof of success.

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